

Ministry of the Interior (Croatia)

The Ministry of the Interior (MoI HR) is a national public body and its scope of work is defined and prescribe by the Law on Organization and Scope of Ministries and Other Central State Administrative Bodies (hr. Zakon o ustrojstvu i djelokrugu ministarstva i drugih središnjih državnih tijela – Official Gazette No. 93/16, 104/16, 116/18, 127/18). The internal organizational structure and the scope of work of each organizational unit, as well as all other issues important for functioning of the Ministry, is prescribed by the Regulation on Internal Organization of the Ministry of the Interior (hr. Uredba o unutarnjem ustrojstvu Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova – Official Gazette No. 70/12, 140/13, 50/14, 32/15, 11/17, 129/17, 5/18, 109/18, 24/19, 79/19, 97/20, 7/22).

According to the mentioned legislation, Ministry of the Interior deals with administrative and other tasks related to the following areas of work: police, administrative and inspection affairs, and civil protection. The Ministry is also responsible for the education and training of police officers on all levels of education (basic, higher and lifelong).Police Academy – The First Croatian Police Officer (hereinafter referred to as the PA HR) is an institution under the jurisdiction of the General Police Directorate, which is a part of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia. It is the only institution carrying out vocational police education and training in the Republic of Croatia on all levels of education. It organises education and trainings for all operational levels and all line of police work, ensuring the acquisition of professional skills and qualities for police officers in area of protection of the public safety, human rights and freedoms and prevention of violation of law. PA HR trains learners on tactics and skills necessary for proper and effective conduction of their duties, such as legal knowledge and procedures, use of force, community collaboration and aid, communication strategies, basic and advance criminal psychology, emergency aid, mental toughness and prevention of violation of law, among others.

In organizational aspect, basic police education within PA HR is provided by Josip Jović Police School, while University of Applied Sciences in Criminal Investigation and Public Security organises and implement higher police education. Adult education and training is provided by the Department for Police Training and the Department for Lifelong Learning, which conduct courses and trainings for every line of police work. There are several other departments, which carry out international trainings and develop police education in the broadest sense, coordinate and implement projects and research, publish or provide handbooks and professional journals, and train service dogs and their handlers.At present moment, PA HR has approximately 200 employees, more than 650 cadets, and 150 students annually in formal education, whilst there is more than 88 different programmes annually for more than 5500 learners in adult education.What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project?PA HR develops and implements diverse range of curricula in order to maintain challenges following global social trends. Due to the need for educated and professional police, in addition to recent integration of the Republic of Croatia in Schengen Area, PA HR is involved in wide range of national and international educations and trainings. From 2019, PA HR conducts trainings with German Federal Police Academy, which involve participants from the Western Balkan migrant route – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Türkiye. These trainings focus on common approaches to policing at green border with special attention on human rights.

Similarly, since 2013 PA HR with United States of America conducts trainings within the project “Partnership for Education”, which focuses on crime investigation of serious organized transnational crime and involve participants from Balkan countries as well. Furthermore, in 2022, PA HR initiated and organized five-day trilateral cadet exchange with Police School in Slupsk and Szeged Police School.Some of PA HR’s international cooperation is organised through European agencies. PA HR is providing experts for Standing Corpse Category 1 training for European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), and organise many micro trainings in cooperation with the Agency, such as Cross Border Crime Detection, Motor Vehicle Crime Detection or Use of Force, for Frontex Border Guards and external participants. Within European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL), PA HR implemented more than 12 residential activities since 2013.Regarding the Erasmus+ programme, PA HR participated as partner institution in several K1 and K2 activities. Project “Development of the International Police Cadets Training Concept through Cooperative Learning” was implemented from 2019 to 2022, by the Lithuanian Police School, Police School in Slupsk and PA HR. HYBRIDC “Cooperation for developing joint curriculum on tackling hybrid threats” is an ongoing project between Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Mykolas Romeris University from Lithuania and PA HR.Additionally, PA HR participated in projects funded by the European Commission within the H2020 Framework Programme (PROPHETS – Preventing Radicalisation Online through the Proliferation of Harmonized ToolkitS; UNITY- Enhancing cooperation between law enforcement agencies and citizens – Community policing; COST action: CA17102 – Police Stops; Participation in the project – Improved response to intolerance through research, strategic advocacy, and training (IRIS). Furthermore, MoI HR is currently involved in Twinning project EU 4 Fight against Cybercrime in BiH.Experts for this project will be from different PA HR departments, Zagreb Police Administration and Interventions Command. Their expertise includes involvement in specialized course for border guards, in area of law enforcement tactics and the use of force interventions.

In addition, they have experience in national and international projects and developing curricula, planning and delivering of training and overall professional experience in the context of use of force training. Among many, they are experienced in communication, including threat recognition, risk assessment, de-escalation and conflict avoidance techniques. They also have experience in martial arts trainings and physical education, same as tactical weapon training10 / 51Call 2023 Round 1 KA2KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training Form ID KA220-VET-1EC648A1 Deadline (Brussels Time) 22 Mar 2023 12:00:00ENand defensive tactics and advanced tactics. National experts are active participants in the planning and implementation of a different trainings and educations, which develop professional competences on national and international level. The project coordinators are employees of the PA HR whose scope of work is preparation and application of different proposals, the implementation and quality insurance of projects on national and international level.