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Training package

Evaluation Questionnaire

for assessing the „Use of Force and Basics of Tactical Medicine for first responding uniformed police officers” Joint Curriculum


Please give your comment and evaluate the compliance of the curriculum and the training delivery, using a scale where 1 indicates insufficient and 5 indicates excellent.

1.Learning outcomes are customized and achievable.12345
2.The dynamics of the training is well designed.12345
3.The learning methods are appropriate to meet the learning outcomes.12345
4.The teaching material in the online phase encourages the acquisition and renewal of knowledge and commitment of learners during the face-to-face phase.12345
5.The face-to-face training phase ensures the interactive participation of learners and the achievement of learning outcomes.12345
6.The number of teaching hours is well adjusted to the training needs and the possibility of achieving learning outcomes.12345
7.The material and technical conditions for the training are met.12345
8.The curriculum is well designed overall, and enables the achievement of the training goals and planned learning outcomes.12345
  • Are there any obstacles to achieving learning outcomes (lack of material, equipment, inappropriate learning conditions), and if so, please list them:
  1. Name the topic that you consider most important for achieving the learning outcomes and explain your choice:
  1. If there is a topic that you consider unimportant for achieving the learning outcomes, name it here and explain your choice:
  1. If there is a topic that, in your opinion, should be included in the future trainings, name it here and explain your choice:
  1. Additional comments and notes:



Please give your comment and evaluate the quality of structure, learning material and technical implementation of online learning. Use a scale where 1 indicates strongly disagree and 5 indicates strongly agree.

1.Technical support during online learning was satisfactory and timely.12345
2.Structure of the virtual classroom was clear and simple; I found my way around it without difficulty.12345
3.Learning material is optimally selected and it was a good preparation for the face-to-face learning.12345
4.The quizzes are well structured – the questions are clear, optimally difficult and related to the learning material.12345
5.I am satisfied with the quantity and quality of the additional material offered.12345
6.Expected timeframe for online learning is realistically set – 8 hours was enough time for quality learning.12345

Indicate what you find most useful and least useful in online learning, and explain your choice:



Please give your comment and evaluate the quality of structure, exercises and implementation of face-to-face learning. Use a scale where 1 indicates strongly disagree and 5 indicates strongly agree.

1.I am satisfied with the organization of the training – training structure, number of learning hours and workload.12345
2.Learning methods are well adjusted to the content and goal of training.12345
3.The training ensures the interactive participation of learners and I am satisfied with the share of my active participation.12345
4.The material and technical conditions for the training are met – logistical support was sufficient.12345

Indicate what you find most useful and least useful in face-to-face learning, and explain your choice:


If you have any additional comments and notes regarding the training as a whole, you can share it here: