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Agency for Education and Professional Training (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The Agency for Education and Professional Training (hereinafter referred as the AEPT) is an administrative organization within the Ministry of Security of BiH, operationally independent, established pursuant to the Law on Directorate for coordination of police bodies and police support agencies of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Official Gazette Službeni glasnik BiH number: 36/08).The Law on Directorate for coordination of police bodies and police support agencies of Bosnia and Herzegovina lays down the competencies and duties of the AEPT:a) Develop, harmonize and propose curricula and training programmes in accordance with the needs of BiH police bodiesand law enforcement agencies,b) Organize and carry out education and professional development and specialized training programs for members of BiHpolice bodies and other law enforcement agencies (basic, specialist, on-going and other forms of police trainings), including:1) Education of BiH police members at level I for a rank of police officer;2) Education of BiH police members at level II for a rank of junior inspector;3) Training for members of the agencies responsible for protection of people and property;4) Training for members of detective agencies;5) Professional training (courses, seminars etc.);c)Develop research and publishing activities and contribute to the improvement and modernization of police work;d) Library operations;e) Relevant documentation and record keeping.

In accordance with the above legal competencies, the AEPT, as its primary task, organizes and carries out basic, professional and specialized training programmes for police bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina such as:- State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), responsible for conducting organized crime investigations, fightingagainst terrorism and human trafficking, etc.- Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina- Directorate for coordination of police bodies of BiH responsible for protecting government buildings and VIPs, internationalcooperation, including INTERPOL, etc.The AEPT also facilitates and conducts training courses for other police bodies of BiH and Armed Forces of BiH, including other law enforcement agencies (Intelligence and Security Agency – OSA BiH, Service for Foreigners’ Affairs, Indirect Taxation Authority BiH – UIO BiH, etc.) when the need arises, in accordance with its tasks and duties foreseen by the law.

Since 2020 the AEPT has been seated in its newly built complex of facilities, stretching on 40 000 m2, which were built in compliance with the latest police education standards. The complex internal area is ca. 9 500 m2:- Administration building;- Teaching & learning building (lecture hall with 280 seats, 12 classrooms 24-48 seats, including E-learning classroom,criminology and forensics classroom, IT classroom);- Student accommodation building with a total capacity for 280 students (84 rooms, dining area, restaurant, 4 living rooms);- Sports venue with special facilities for Special physical education (use of force and martial sports) and gym;- Shooting range (indoor, modern, fully equipped, in compliance with security standards);The complex includes:- Tactical training range (container settlement);- Driving training area;- Sports grounds with the track and field.What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project?achieved respectable results: we annually provide training for ca. 100 – 150 students of basic police training and ca. 1500 students of various types of professional development training courses.- The AEPT has been a holder of IADLEST (International Association of Law Enforcement Standards and Trainings)certification since 2020, which is a recognition and evidence of the fulfillment of international training standards and theefficient performance as a police academy.

The AEPT has been constantly working to align the curricula with the international training standards – it has been amongthe first police education institutions in the region to align the Basic Training Curriculum for BiH Border Police cadets withthe FRONTEX Common Core Curriculum 2017, and conduct the training courses according to it.- The AEPT is currently working to develop and harmonize the curricula for middle-level management with FRONTEXCommon Core Curriculum.- The AEPT has taken part in CEPOL’s EXPRO programe.- The AEPT is a member of INTERPA.- The AEPT is a member of AEPC.- The AEPT has excellent cooperation with NATO – the training curriculum for EOD Technician of Border Police of BiH(basic training) has been developed in accordance with NATO STANAG 2143 international standard.- The AEPT has excellent cooperation with OSCE.